Category Archives: PC history

Looking for High Sierra

Some time ago, I thought it would be useful to understand exactly what is the difference between CD-ROMs recorded in the old High Sierra format versus the ISO 9660 standard. This was in part spurred by the fact that I … Continue reading

Posted in CD-ROM, Documentation, PC history | 23 Comments

Deeper Into ATA History

While looking for something completely unrelated (namely the Rock Ridge extensions to ISO 9660), I came across a cache of old X3T9 committee documents from 1990. In retrospect I’m a little surprised that I hadn’t found these earlier, since the … Continue reading

Posted in IDE, PC history, Standards | 17 Comments

Weird Tales

While researching various aspects of the history of computing, sometimes I come across what can best be described as “weird tales” — unsourced claims that sound interesting but are either provably wrong or there’s no evidence to support them. In … Continue reading

Posted in IBM, Microsoft, PC history, PC press | 22 Comments

DOS 2.11 From Scratch

Warning: Long post! After having good luck with rebuilding core PC DOS 1.1 from source code, I thought I’d do the same with the DOS 2.11 source code released by the CHM. What follows is largely a collection of notes … Continue reading

Posted in Development, DOS, Microsoft, PC history | 42 Comments

PC DOS 1.1 From Scratch

A number of years ago, the Computer History Museum together with Microsoft released the source code for MS-DOS 1.25 (very close to PC DOS 1.1) and MS-DOS 2.11. I never did anything with it beyond glancing at the code, in … Continue reading

Posted in Development, DOS, Microsoft, PC history | 24 Comments

Learn Something Old Every Day, Part III

As part of a hobby project, I set out to reconstruct assembly source code that should be built with an old version of MASM and exactly match an existing old binary. In the process I learned how old MASM versions … Continue reading

Posted in Assembler, Development, Microsoft, PC history | 11 Comments


A number of years ago, an 8″ disk containing Seattle Computer Products (SCP) 86-DOS 1.0 was successfully imaged. The newest files on the disk are dated April 30, 1981, making the disk the oldest complete release of what was soon … Continue reading

Posted in Development, DOS, IBM, PC history | 18 Comments

The Dual-Drive IDE Hell

I have perhaps inaccurate but very strong memories from my PC-building days (in the early to mid-1990s) that one of the most failure-prone and frustrating endeavors was trying to get two IDE drives working together on a single cable as … Continue reading

Posted in IDE, PC hardware, PC history | 20 Comments

Drive Price Mystery

While digging into the history of DoubleSpace and DriveSpace, I came across a handy article about the rocky relationship between Stac Electronics and Microsoft. Only I was distracted by the bold claim (certainly claimed in very bold letters) that a … Continue reading

Posted in PC history, Storage | 14 Comments

The IBM PC, 41 Years Ago

No, the OS/2 Museum does not have either a time machine or difficulty doing basic math. As of this writing, it is August 2021 and the IBM PC was announced in August 1981, 40 years ago. But in August 1980, … Continue reading

Posted in 8086/8088, BIOS, DOS, IBM, Intel, PC hardware, PC history | 60 Comments