Category Archives: Archiving

Missing XENIX Disks

The previously mentioned warez mega dump contains disk images of SCO 286 XENIX 2.1.0. The release appears to be from February 1986. It is the oldest SCO 286 XENIX release that I know of. But there’s a hitch. The warez … Continue reading

Posted in 286, Archiving, SCO, Xenix | 17 Comments

LAN Manager 2.1/2.2 Registration

Anyone who spent a bit of time archiving software distributed on floppies probably knows this situation: There’s only one disk set of a given software release known to exist, and it’s not clean. That is, it’s been previously used to … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, Debugging, Microsoft, Software Hacks | 18 Comments

Dirty Work

As I’m slowly archiving my giant pile of floppies, I naturally come across specimens that have one kind of problem or another. After going through hundreds of floppies, I can safely say that 3½″ floppies are much less prone to … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, Floppies | 5 Comments

OS/2 6.304: Who Has More?

Yet another interesting item that I recently ran through a Kryoflux is a set of 30 floppies labeled “IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 Pre-release Evaluation Copy – 6.304”. In this case, there’s no mystery as to what it is: 6.304 was … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, IBM, OS/2, Pre-release | 8 Comments

OS/2 1.2 EE DAP

That same shoebox I mentioned the other day also contained three plain cardboard 3.5″ floppy boxes with a set of disks that look like this: Once again, despite the plain-looking labels, these are mass-duplicated floppies, which is handy because Kryoflux … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, IBM, Kryoflux, OS/2, PC history | 2 Comments

Archival Puzzles

Every now and then I attack the large amount of floppy disks in my basement and run a bunch of them through Kryoflux. This time it was a shoebox full of OS/2 related floppies. Among them was a very incomplete … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, IBM, Kryoflux, OS/2, Pre-release | 30 Comments

Diskette Puzzle

Last week the OS/2 Museum received a classic red NetWare box with all sorts of junk inside: PCI and ISA network cards (most Ethernet, one ArcNET), BNC cabling, one or two manuals, and over a 100 floppies, mostly NetWare but … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, Floppies, NetWare | 20 Comments

Seek and Ye Shall Find…

…in the strangest places! Lately I’ve been digging up marketing materials related to Intel’s desktop boards (I’ve long been toying with the idea of writing up a brief history of the circa 10 years of Intel Extreme Series boards). There … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, Intel, PC hardware, PC history | 2 Comments


Not long ago the OS/2 Museum acquired a boxed copy of the IBM PC LAN Program (PCLP) version 1.3 (1988) on 3.5″ floppies. The IBM PC Network Program (1985), later renamed to the IBM LAN Program, was IBM’s first PC … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, IBM, Networking, PC history | 9 Comments

LAN Manager Product Specification, 1987

Now available is the preliminary yet fairly complete product specification for the LAN Manager server and workstation from October 14, 1987. This document was available to developers months before any pre-release LAN manager code, and about a year before any … Continue reading

Posted in Archiving, Documentation, LAN Manager, Microsoft, OS/2, PC history | 1 Comment